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Connection box perfect for water proof 12V - 24V LED installations.
LED dimmer 350mA, 500mA, 700mA, multifunktion.
Dimmable LED driver can be dimmed with ordinary switch-DIM button.
LED driver 24V, 40W. Dimmable with 0-10V.
Dimmable LED driver used as slave to PTDCD/40.
Single Output Switching LED Power Supply, multifunction.Suitable for 350mA LED.
LED driver 350mA, 15W This product is replaced with RN1398
IP68 waterproof 15W LED driver for 12V outdoor light.
LED driver can be changed between 12VDC and 24VDC
Round 72mm LED Driver, 15W/350mA, 20W/500mA, 22W/700mA